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Super Full Moon Scorpio - Are you ready to let go of your grudges?

Writer's picture: Kate WorsfoldKate Worsfold


This Scorpio ♏ Full Moon is all about darkness and grudges. This SUPER FULL MOON will take us to the deep and dark side of what we ned to release and forgive. As with any Full Moon - this sets us up to forgive and let go of all that doesn't serve us. As the moon generally symbolises emotions and these swell at the time of the FULL MOON 🌕 - this one in Scorpio is taking your emotions and giving you the gateway to release the pent up feelings you have been pushing deep down into your subconscious.

This FULL MOON 🌕 is not here to play! shine a spotlight on our deepest secrets and vulnerabilities, helping us to face the truth and own our power. This hard-hitting lunation will rock our worlds and bring about bring about some sudden realisations. Dealing with this tension on top of all the full moon feels may be a challenge, but it could also inspire us to think of things from a fresh perspective or help us turn a corner that we struggled to find a way around before. Use this powerful Scorpio ♏ zodiac energy to your advantage.

This Full Moon is providing you space to let go of the anger that you have been harbouring deep inside you for too long. Maybe it has been there long enough to start to created dis-ease in your body. This SUPER FULL MOON 🌕 will bring out our vulnerabilities and bring about a space to face the shadow and undercurrent self. Scorpio rules our underworld and our naturally transformational nature. This is an energy that is activated when we are willing or called to face our inner shadow - the part of self we haven’t bought into the light.

This is a Full Moon 🌕 to go down into that diamond mine within, and harvest the jewels that lie within your shadow. It is here you will learn who you are and move into a state of acceptance that requires you to not see your human form as any less holy than the soul that resides within it. This is a Moon to find reverence and see the love that underpins all our fears and to let go of the shadow anger and grudges that have been feeding our shadow self for too long.

Happy Full Moon 𝘴ꪮꪊꪶ family


“I AM ready to express my truth and reveal the shadows of my heart. I send forgiveness to all those who have hurt me & surrender all that doesn't serve me. I know that I AM eternally protected and loved by the Universe. I AM ready to release the deepest emotions that have been weighing heavy on my SOUL and ask the Angels to bring into my SOUL and HEART space, Divine love, compassion and peace”

Om Namo Narayani

Crystals to use -

* Howlite

* Smoky Quartz

* Peridot

* Blue Lace Agate

* Bloodstone

Essential Oils to use -

* Ylang Ylang

* Myrrh

* Jasmine

* Roman Chamomile

* Orange

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