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For thousands of years, Native American peoples and many other cultures around the world believed a person’s energy is like perfume – when you come in contact with someone else’s vibes, good or bad, they linger for a while.In order to cleanse other people’s negative vibes, shamans would burn sage over a fire, which would also promote healing, wisdom and longevity. This ritual is what they called ‘smudging’.


If there is tension or a heaviness in the air, if you or the people around you are misaligned, sluggish, unmotivated, stressed, irritable, simply out of sorts, or if you are just not your usual energetic self - smudging is a perfect way to bring back a balance of good calm and aligned energy space.


The benefits of saging your home aren’t just spiritual. Sage is considered incredibly purifying and is able to clear away many of the toxins you breathe every day, including fumes from paint, chemicals, and cleaning supplies. Sage belongs to the Salvia plant family, derived from the Latin word salvere, which translates to “to heal”.


  • It's antibacterial. A 2007 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacol linked burning sage to reducing airborne bacteria, meaning it can help you get a fresh start in more ways than one.
  • It helps you feel less stressed. A University of Mississippi research project discovered white sage was rich with the compounds that activate the brain's receptors that are responsible for reducing stress.
  • It can help you sleep better. Studies have shown that sage might help ease insomnia, which is definitely another way to help improve that positive energy.
  • It can improve your mood. In 2014, researchers found that white sage has been used to treat anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
  • It can help you think better. While more research is needed, a 2016 review found that sage might enhance cognition functions and may even be useful as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.



1. Light your sage at the very tips of the leaves and once ignited, quickly and carefully blow out the flames to allow the leaves to smoulder.

2. Using smooth movements, waft the smoke around your home, body and objects.

3. Once smouldering, hold or rest on fire safe bowl so you don't drop ashes on yourself, home or nature.

4. Do not leave unattended. If you want to sage to keep smouldering, you need to stay with it, or alternately, after use, run under water to put out and let dry out.

5. Store on a flameproof dish away from wind.


Solace of Soul Sage is blessed with Reiki energy and has woven into it flower petals from each of the SEVEN MAIN CHAKRAS for extra balance of clearing.




Happy Smudging SOUL FAMILY xx


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