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“I accept myself “


This intuitively designed healing candle has been created through Divine messages downloaded from SOURCE and channelled by Kate. With a unique blend of Rose Geranium, Lemon, Clementine, Lavender and Patchouli – these essential oils create a space for healing of the Self, self-love, opening the heart and birthing emotional healing. It brings with it self-acceptance, forgiveness and the releasing of self-judgement. This exquisite one-of-a-kind SELF LOVE candle helps to release repressed memories and send them to the light. It brings spiritual awareness of self and self-confidence. With this candle you will find yourself letting go of shame and judgement of the physical and emotional self to unveil the true expression of who you are divinely meant to be. Healing also your inner child, these oils with a blend of flower vibrational essences of organic Heather and Rose as ethereal healers and helping to open a pathway for self-expression – you will be Divinely guided and protected as you rediscover the beauty of YOU. Amplifying this amazing healing, this gorgeous candle holds with it the magic of Rose Quartz, Amethyst and Hematite crystals. These powerful crystals will create an energetic space of intense love, spiritual connection and self-courage, confidence and strength as you burn this candle – releasing all negativity and raising your vibration to find the ultimate SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE.

As you burn this candle – meditate and repeat divinely the affirmation

 “I accept myself“ & connect with Source and your Angels to allow them to fill your heart with love

and light.


In Lak’Ech xx


BURN TIME - approx 48 hrs

100% Soy Way

Locally sourced ingredients

Handmade with Reiki Love, Light and Healing

SELF LOVE - Vibrational Healing Candle

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This candle has been handmade from 100% Soy Wax. All ingredients are locally sourced.  This candle has a burn time of approx 16hrs.

    Each candle comes with its own specific and unique information card.

    Please read the warning label on candle to ensure safe burning method.

    Enjoy the vibrational healing!

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